Get To Submit Claim for Medicare Reimbursement
Most would concur that getting cash BACK from time to time (instead of always dishing it out throughout the day regular) is an animating inclination. Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employee Plan Basic Option individuals who are joined up with Medicare Part An and B ought to be set up to be empowered as much as $600 for repayment of Part B premium installments. The individuals who wouldn’t see any problems an additional 6 c-notes in their back pocket (or safely concealed in a bank account for the more wary people) can start the repayment demand by heading off to the FEP Blue MRA page and tapping the Get Started catch to be coordinated to another page where the online enlistment procedure can be finished. The individuals who have just pursued a record can avoid the enrollment procedure and login with a username and record secret key.
More on Medicare reimbursement process
Proof of Part B premiums payments can be uploaded online or sent via facsimile or mail
A Social Security COLA statement can be used as payment proof (no not the soft drink)
Approved claims will be paid tax-free via direct deposit (insert cash register sound here)
Canceled checks and credit card/bank statements can also be used as payment proof
Most of the claims submitted will be reviewed within 2 business days
Register for Medicare Reimbursement
For this visit,
On the page, on the middle left side, under the ‘Register’ section, click on, ‘Register for your Medicare reimbursement account online.’.
You will be asked for permission, to go to a new tab.
Click on the ‘Continue’ in red.
In the next tab, you will get a box in the middle there, at the upper side of the login blanks, click on, ‘Register’.
In the next page, you will be notified that there will be, 7 steps to register, then, from the upper right or bottom right click on, ‘Next’ in blue.
In the next page at the middle enter,
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Home Zip Code
ID Code
Type the validation code
Then, from the bottom right side, click on, ‘Next’.
You need to follow the prompts to get registered.
Logging into Medicare Reimbursement
To log in, visit,
On the page, on the middle left side, under the ‘Register’ section, click on, ‘Register for your Medicare reimbursement account online.’.
You will be asked for permission, to go to a new tab.
Click on the ‘Continue’ in red.
In the next tab, you will get a box in the middle there, type the login details.
The username
The password
Then, click on, ‘Login’.
You will be logged in.
Lost login info
If you have lost the login info, click on, ‘Forgot’ inside the box.
On the next page, you will be notified that there are three steps. Then click on, ‘Next’.
In the directed page type,
First Name
Last Name
ID Code
Type the validation code
Then, from the bottom right side, click on, ‘Next’.
You have to follow the prompts to get back the password.
If you are looking to register for the main page, after you have registered for the claim, you have to go for the signup process of Blue cross Medicare.
Sign up for Blue cross Medicare
For this go to,
On the page, at the light blue upper right side menu panel, click on, ‘Sign up’.
On the next page, from the middle click on, ‘Get started’ in blue.
In the directed page, at the middle input,
Member ID
First Name
Middle name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Then, click on, ‘Next’ in blue.
Follow the prompts to sign up.
Signing into Blue cross Medicare
To sign in go to,
On the page, at the light blue upper right side menu panel, click on, ‘Login’.
In the next page, at the middle type,
The username
The password
Then, click on, ‘Submit’ in blue.
You will be logged in.
Forgot login details
If you have forgotten the login info, in the login page, for username click on, ‘Forgot your username?’.
In the next page type,
The registered email
Then, click on, ‘Submit’ in blue.
For password, ‘Forgot your password?’.
For this, your, username and the email address is required.
Then, click on, ‘Submit’ in blue.
If you have forgotten the email address, then click on, ‘Forgot your email address?’.
For this enter,
Member ID
First Name
Middle name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Then, click on, ‘Reset email’ or ‘Retrieve email’ in blue.
Follow the prompts to get the detail back.
Also Read : Bridgestone Rewards Account Login Process
Contact help
To get further assistance, call on, 877-353-9236. Or send a mail to, PO Box 14053, Lexington, KY 40512.
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